A lot of friends and colleagues keep telling me how they “really wish things would go back to normal” and while I completely understand the sentiment (I mean, who wouldn’t just want to walk among a crowded street, grab a drink in a bar, or meet up for dinner at a friends’ house), I doubt that the old normal is the one we should be ... Read this >>
Profile: Karin Diaconu - Research Fellow

Dr. Karin Diaconu is a Research Fellow in the NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Health in Situations of Fragility at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh. Karin's work focuses on complexity science methods and their application in health research, particularly as they relate to intervention development and multi-disciplinary evaluation around non-communicable diseases, mental health and tuberculosis. Karin's work has focused on both humanitarian contexts as well as settings of fragility, she is particularly interested in unpacking what fragility means for the health of individuals, communities and health systems globally.