Dr Owain Williams By: Dr Owain Williams
Lecturer in IR and Human Security
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03 Mar 2020 : It is War for Some of us

Devi Shridar tweets about human rights and social cost of current measures in China. Gostin also keeps ploughing the human rights dimensions. Sure that and gender and the poor, homeless and so on. The homeless in Leeds are everywhere and I have started giving out shrapnel to those I see. But I fear that will all go out of the window soon, as things get serious. I think it will get militarised and maybe that is the only way forward. I have read that the military response in West Africa for Ebola was actually over stated and that by the time field hospitals were ready it was under control anyway. I will have to ask Gavin Skinner about it. South Korea declared war on the epidemic today with and injection of 30 million (trillion?) won. I think that is a lot but it could be two quid. There are also reports on Iran being in serious trouble with the regime doing its worst to cover up. Illegal oil trade with China being tweeted. Got he bids in today, typically just 3 hours before the deadline wall. Feel pretty chuffed about it and will take some days off.

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